Held on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:45 p.m.
Agenda Manager
Read the Board of Education Agendas, Resolutions, and Minutes.
Board of Education Goals
1. TST BOCES will be a viable and quality educational choice for services, as measured both by enrollment and by the degree to which our services reflect the most up-to-date research-based college and career-ready curricular and service offerings that lead to successful learning outcomes for all students, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
2. TST BOCES will be recognized for improving student learning outcomes as the preferred provider of professional development, as measured by participation in direct professional development, requests for technical assistance, and a range of classroom impact data.
3. TST BOCES will maintain and provide access to relevant and dynamic levels of integrated technology to students and staff, along with providing secure, state-of-the-art, affordable technology-related services and opportunities for all stakeholders, as in our current Cornell Tech collaboration with the national Computer Science for All Consortium.
4. TST BOCES will convene opportunities to standardize economies of scale to benefit students, component districts, and municipalities, where such opportunities exist, with the goal of protecting the long-term financial viability of TST BOCES and its component school districts, while strengthening quality interactions between TST and our clients.
5. TST BOCES will use existing facilities assessments to maintain and preserve existing facilities, to help ensure cleanliness and safety in TST buildings, and to project future space needs with an eye on capital improvements and expansion to meet current and anticipated demand for service.
6. TST BOCES will apply data from its annual program assessment system when planning the future direction of the organization.
7. TST BOCES will recruit, hire, train, support, and celebrate the highest quality instructional, support, and administrative staff in New York State, with 20 percent or more of our eligible teachers achieving National Board Certification by 2022.
8. TST BOCES will confer with experts in the field and tailor program offerings within Adult Education and External Programs to align with workforce needs.
Board of Education Documents
Board of Education Members
Linda Competillo
Groton Central School District
Term Exp. 2027
Melissa Rynone
Vice President
Newfield Central School District
Term Exp. 2027
Linda Padgett
Candor Central School District
Term Exp. 2025
AnnMarie Streeter
Dryden Central School District
Term Exp. 2025
Danielle Chase
George Junior Republic Union Free School District
Term Exp. 2025
Bradley Grainger
Ithaca City School District
Term Exp. 2026
Linda Pasto
Lansing Central School District
Term Exp. 2027
Shannon Brock
South Seneca Central School District
Term Exp. 2026
Helen Arco
Trumansburg Central School District
Term Exp. 2026