Explore New Visions Programs:
Open House & Information Sessions
Join us to discover the exciting opportunities New Visions offers! Our Open House on February 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. located at CTE Campus provides an overview of all four of our unique programs. Later that week (Feb 25 & Feb 27) our individual programs will host information sessions from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 at each program’s respective location for a deeper dive into the specifics of each class.
CTE + New Visions Open House - 2/24/25
CTE Main Campus Open House
Location: 555 Warren Road, Ithaca
Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
New Visions Information Sessions - 2/25/25 & 2/27/25
New Visions Program Information Sessions
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Presentations begin promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Each New Visions program will host an information session at its specific location, allowing attendees to experience the dedicated learning environments where students begin their day, engage in specialized studies, and immerse themselves in their fields of interest. We encourage attendees to arrive by 6:00 p.m. for a 20-minute presentation, followed by a Q&A and open discussion with program teachers and current students.
Engineering Program
Date: Tuesday 2/25/25
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Cornell University
130 Hollister Dr
Ithaca, NY 14850
Building: Tang Hall, Room 204
To find precise building and parking info, visit: https://mistersyracuse.com/open-house.html
Engineering Questions – David Syracuse, dsyracuse@tstboces.org
Exercise & Health Sciences Program
Date: Tuesday 2/25/25
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: TST BOCES
555 Warren Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Building: D, Room 123
Exercise & Health Sciences Questions – Christine Becraft, cbecraft@tstboces.org
Health & Medical Sciences Program
Date: Tuesday 2/25/25
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Cayuga Medical Center
101 Dates Dr.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Building: Bonnie Howell Education Center, Room C & D
Health & Medical Sciences Questions – Jennifer Hightower, jhightower@tstboces.org
Life Sciences & Applied Scientific Research Program
Date: Thursday 2/27/25
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Cornell University
105 Caldwell Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850
Guterman Bioclimatic
Life Sciences Questions – Maureen Zorn, mzorn@tstboces.org
New Visions Engineering mission is to provide a pre-college engineering experience that authentically explores engineering processes and practices, reveals the scope of engineering endeavors, highlights the impact engineers have on society and prepares participants for an undergraduate engineering program.
New Visions Health & Medical Sciences is a program for college-bound high school seniors who are interested in careers such as medicine (including physician and physician assistant), nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, medical technology, physical therapy, nutrition/dietetics, and medical research.
What is New Visions?
New Visions is a full-year program that offers seniors a non-traditional, academically challenging senior year. These programs are demanding and extremely rewarding for highly motivated, mature, responsible, and academically capable students. Students acquire knowledge through independent and cooperative learning, both in the classroom and in the professional work setting. The New Visions program is highly regarded by collegiate administrators as evidence of a student’s motivation, intelligence, and desire for success. Students must be a current high school junior in a TST BOCES component school district - Ithaca, Newfield, Groton, Lansing, Trumansburg, Candor, Dryden, South Seneca, or LACS - to be eligible to apply and enroll in a New Visions program.

New Visions students will divide their week between classroom theory and instructional days where students will discuss literature, global concerns, and science-related topics in an integrated academic learning environment. Students will work on projects independently and in groups, while attaining mandatory credits for graduation. In addition, students will participate in rotational experiences where they will work with professionals, graduate students, and/or college professors that work within in their field of study.
Accepted students participate in their New Visions program from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily at the Cayuga Medical Center or Cornell University, depending on the location of their program. Students receive high school credit for English 12 Honors, Participation in Government and Economics, two elective science credits, as well as Concurrent Enrollment credits. Students are required to make their own transportation arrangements to and from their New Visions program. Busing is not provided by the home school district.

All New Visions programs offer the opportunity to earn college credits from Tompkins Cortland CC through a program called concurrent enrollment. Students receive a transcript from Tompkins Cortland CC that can be transmitted to the college of their choice upon completion of the program. The number of credits that can be earned ranges from 4-8 depending on the course.
A Look Inside The New Visions Program

High School Juniors can apply to New Visions online or by submitting a hard copy of the application.
Directions to apply online:
Answer all questions on the application completely
Upload your essay
Click "Submit"
All New Visions completed applications must include the following information:
Typed Written Essay
High School Transcript
Current High School Report Card
Current School Year Attendance Record
Student must complete the entire application, including the essay, and submit to their high school counselor no later than Friday, March 14, 2025.
Students who qualify will be notified of their interview date by Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
In person interviews will be conducted for students who qualify the week of March 31 - April 4, 2025
Students will be notified of final decisions no later than Friday, April 25, 2025