Course Overview
Students will learn criminal and civil law, vehicle and traffic law, arrest and court procedures, report writing and professional communication skills. Topics of study include: interviewing skills, self-defense, security, fingerprinting, civil rights, forensics, accident and crime scene illustration, digital photography, and forensics. Students will participate in community service projects, participate in guest speaker presentations, attend local field trips to agencies/organizations, conduct physical conditioning exercises, learn patrolling skills, collect evidence and crime scene investigation tactics. Students who are interested in the field of corrections, probation, judicial system, law enforcement, along with first responders (EMT, Fire Department, etc.) may be interested in this course.
Course Content
Criminal law
Civil law
Crime scene illustration
Patrol techniques
Criminal investigation
Interviewing skills
Police-community relations
Civil rights
Community service

Career Opportunities
New York State Trooper
Corrections Officer
Conservation Officer
Military Police
Private Investigator
Probation/Parole Officer
Border Patrol Agent
Security Guard
Police Officer
Crime Scene Technician
Homeland Security Officer
Explore Public Safety

College Agreements